Hell is place to be if you want to party for all eternity! The only thing stopping you however, is the $50 entrance fee... and the 666 metres of soil beneath your feet. With a bit of hard work though, you can dig your way down to the unholy gates! Beware nasty worms, creeping spiders and stalking bats, and more threateningly, drowning water and shoe-melting lava! Keep your eye on your hunger meter, too! Digging to hell requires lots of energy, but there's plenty of food to grab along the way to satisfy your appetite. All you need to worry about after that is collecting your money; and the earth is littered with it, so keep an eye out! Once you reach Hell, you can even post your scores to Facebook! The more money you have in your pockets, the better!
Arrow keys to move, Up arrow or spacebar to jump.
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